Sunday, September 10, 2006

SPI Gas Company

I haven't decided quite what to do here other than being an Gemini with a very conservative side and a wilder liberal side, well, this one just might be wilder.

Back in the 1960's there was a place called the Vulcan Gas Company, a rocking place on Congress Aveue in Austin. It went bankrupt in 1969 and became 'Waterloo Hamburgers' and the hippie investors then put their money in the future Armadillo Heaquarters. I got down to Austin for the burgers and the Armaldillo in 1976, same year as my wife.

There is "SPI Gas Company" because I checked. In fact there is no natural gas on South Padre Island but a few vendors do sell propane. I just thought it was a neat name.

And why, should you ask, why? Well, there is a whole bunch of gas and other resources that the industry wants to mine out there, including tourists and natural gas from drill wells. OK, I didn't say that right because tourists aren;t exactly "mined" but after a while, you'll see what I mean. At any rate, nobody, not a single person, caught it that lots of natural gas wells would be driled on our part of South Padre Island. If you get through the hectic stuff, sometimes I'll have some OK thoughts about why that needs to be addressed.


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